Backpacks and Low Back Pain

Did you know that more than 50% of young people will experience at least one episode of low back pain by the time they are a teenager? More recently the idea that people should only seek Chiropractic care when they are injured or in pain has begun to shift. Families are regularly visiting a Chiropractor to get their nervous systems checked as part of a proactive, health driven lifestyle.

When we experience stress, be it physical (playing sports, experiencing a fall, repetitive strain/postures at work), chemical (over the counter medications, poor diet, toxin exposure) or emotional (family/work/life stress), this negatively affects our nervous system (brain and spinal cord).

Over time this stress may accumulate and diminish our bodies ability to function at its best. Since the nervous system is the master controller of all of your bodies other systems, it is vitally important that you take good care of it to experience your best health.

Chiropractors are trained and recognized as primary care health practitioners in Canada and spend 4 to 5 years in rigorous training in an accredited Chiropractic college. Many Chiropractic candidates have completed an undergraduate health sciences or pre-medical degree before entering Chiropractic college.

Chiropractic education consists of: physiology, microbiology, neurology, anatomy, orthopedic assessment, technique, radiographic interpretation, rehabilitation and much else. The Chiropractic adjustment requires a high degree of skill to deliver properly, and for this reason a substantial portion of time is dedicated to clinical technique training to ensure students are on the path to master these valuable procedures.  

Being primary health care providers Chiropractors are trained to identify a broad range of disorders, which positions them to collaborate well with your current health team. Health professionals working together ensures that patients are appropriately managed, and referred out for care when needed. 
